Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Emotional Visit

My husband and I went to see the Maternity Group in Abbotsford today. I have chosen to have my prenatal care closer to home. I received very conflicting news. For those of you who know me, it has been my desire to give birth vaginally but to no avail. My first son, now 19 years old, was birthed by a c-section due to slow progress in labour. My second son, Geran was also delivered c-section, even though I had a Doula, read up on everything and had amazing information and support. I have been twice dissapointed and emotionally damaged from not being able to give birth the way God intended.

The stats shock me, when I read about how many young, healthy women are having c-sections. When did this 'new way of birth' happen. It is a horrible advancement into technology birthed by rushing physicians. In my strong opinion. More and more women are given less than 24 hours of labour before being pushed into c-sections. Something is wrong.

Today I talked with my very understanding midwife and she sympathized with me, but had to tell me that my hospital. (the brand NEW, beautiful Abbotsford hospital) doesn't support VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section), if you have had 2 cesarean births in the past. Even though my first birth was over 19 years ago. The Langley hospital is the same. So if I want even a chance to give birth to my third baby by vaginal delivery, I have one option: go to Vancouver and see BC Women's Power to Push OB and see what my chances are. Then decide if I am willing to drive out to Vancouver Hospital to give a trial birth.

Why are women's options limited in today's advance world?
Is it $Money?
The reason these local hospitals do not support VBAC after 2 cesarean births, is that they have no 24 OR. There are no surgeons at the hospital 24 hours, therefore if there is a problem, I may have to wait 20min for a doctor to arrive to give an emergency C-section, which my midwife will NOT be called in or allowed in the OR, because they would have to pay her and won't. Even if the patient requests her caregiver to be there.
Wow, I had no idea that so many other people could be invested on how I chose to have MY baby!

This may seem like a bit of rant, but really it is just an emotional view on how I see things. Check out the website:
At least there is one place that believes in supporting women like myself. The only place in the entire province, actually. It could be worse, I could live somewhere up north, no where near such a facility.

I made an appointment to discuss the possible risks that I may encounter if I chose VBAC. I only wish I would have talked with them before I had my second son, maybe I would have had a successful VBAC.

At least I will have post and prenatal care from the midwives and doctors at Fraser Valley Maternity Clinic regardless of what the OB and I choose is the best option for the birth.

In the end I want a healthy baby and a healthy me. I am so lucky to have the support of such a wonderful Doula, who directed me to this clinic and power to push in the first place. With all this support around me, I can't help but have a happy, healthy birth, either by vaginal or cesarean birth

My biggest hope is that family and friends support whatever decision my husband and I make on the birth of our baby. It is hard to explain how one feels, when no one you know feels this way or has gone through this.

Thanks for 'reading'.

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